Below is a classification of the shows. Another page of this blog is specially dedicated to “professions” : lawyers, police, FBI, spies, doctors, criminals, magicians…
- ACTION – Adrenaline is the first criteria for these series
- ADVENTURES – The series takes us on a journey
- AGES OF LIFE – Series for teens, young adults, midlife and seniors
- ANIMATED – From the Simpsons to Star wars
- COMEDY – Mood boosters, usually smart, precise with good dialogue
- COMPETITIONS – Reality shows about cuisine, art, treasure hunt…
- CONSPIRACY : when powerful secret organizations manipulate elected power and individuals
- DOCUMENTARY – If you want to learn something without being bored
- DRAMA – Like a good novel, series about life
- FAMILY SERIES – Series you can watch togerther and discuss
- FANTASTIC, HEROIC FANTASY – Fantastic creatures and heroes in imaginary worlds
- HEISTS – Skilled thieves are quite fascinating
- HISTORY – From the antiquity until the 1980’s
- MURDER, MYSTERY – Dark or funny, suspense series
- MONEY – Struggling or rich, money defines people
- ROMANCE – Romantic series, but not only (romcom, historic…)
- SCIENCE FICTION – Great series to escape far far away !