Wether you watch series occasionally or all the time, they’re part of your life. More than that, they’ve become a way of identifying with a group. In conversation, we recognize each other by the series we watch.
Of course, you’ll find on this blog my personal review on some series (only if I have seen them !), wether they’ve marked the history of series, or other less famous but noticable. Feel free to use the contact form if you’d like to see more series added.
But reviews can be found elsewhere. In this blog, I try to think about what series tell about us, about a period in time (see the timeline), about a national cultural identity, about a specific thematics.
The blog was created in August 2023. As I have a full time job, it will be progressively enriched as the weekends go by 😉

A Catniss…
Toi, qui m’a accompagnée pendant toute la première année d’écriture de ce blog et de doutes. Sois heureuse au paradis des chats, mon amour. J’aimerais tant que l’on se revoie un jour. Puissé-je ne jamais oublier la leçon de courage que tu m’as donnée. Tu me manques!