Leonard Hofstadter shares a flat with Sheldon Cooper. They both high-level scientists, physicists, working at Cal. Tech. They have their own routines with two other nerd colleagues and friends, Howard Wolowitz and Raj Koothrappali. They play Klingon Boggle, Dunjon & Dragon, watch Star Wars… Nerd things. But one day, a beautiful young woman moves in the opposite flat, a cute blonde named Penny. Leonard is instantly charmed. Although Sheldon coldly points out that he doesn’t stand a chance, Leonard will invite the charming creature into their lives. The four friends’ well-ordered lives are about to be turned upside down… for their own good.
The show’s greatest asset is its characters ! Sheldon is a total freak, not autistic but close. He has no sense of social conventions. His ego matches his IQ. He needs precisely regulated habits to feel protected from the real world. Leonard is the most “normal” guy of the gang, just a nerd desperate to seduce Penny. He has his own issues, though, thanks to his scornful therapist mother. Howard still lives with his mother, a dragon. Raj is unable to speak in presence of women. The whole bunch is still able to work and even have fun, but only because together, they re-created their own world. However, Penny, then Bernadette and finally Amy (the latest both scientists) will gradually find a way into the group, creating a new balance in relationships. Many of the secondary characters are equally delightful. Special mention to Leonard’s mother (brilliant Christine Baranski), Barry Kripke (John Ross Bowie) and Stuart (Kevin Sussman). As the show became famous, several guest stars appeared : Stan Lee, Stephen Hawkins, Nathan Fillon and several Star Wars and Star Trek star actors, Wil Wheaton even becoming a recurring character.
But that’s not the only asset. The dialogue is remarkably well-crafted, chiseled with precision. Sheldon’s repartee contrasts with the banality of everyday conversation. The plot progresses steadily over the seasons, alternating twists and expected developments. The episodes respect the sitcom codes: funny and well-paced.
In the end, it’s impossible not to become attached to this band of merrymakers. After all, each and every one of us can be uncomfortable with social conventions, and tempted to seek refuge in our own world. We’re all weird in the eyes of others, so we might as well accept it and surround ourselves with friends who are like us.
12 seasons, 179 episodes (20 mn), 2007-2019, + a prequel : Young Sheldon