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Poldark poster


Captain Ross Poldark comes back to his family in Cornwall, after having fought in the war of independance. He was supposed to leave for a few months, but stayed three years in America. At his arrival, he has the surprise to find that the woman he loved, Elizabeth, is betrothed to his cousin, Francis. Hurt, […]

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Not dead yet

Nell Serrano is having an early midlife crisis. Five years ago, she gave up a promising career in journalism to follow the man of her dreams to London. But they hit a rough patch, and now she is back to square one, in Pasadena. Her former newpaper’s firm, the “SoCal Independant”, hired her again, but

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My lady Jane

What if Jane Grey hadn’t been beheaded, Edward was not dead as a child, and some people had the hability to change into animals then change back to humans ? In this alternative reality, normal humans are called “Verity” and metamorphic people are called “Ethians”. Of course, the latter are hunted down and exterminated by

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Marco Polo

At the age of 16, Marco decides to leave Venice and follow his father and his uncle, both merchants traveling to Asia. After a journey of three years through deserts and mountains, they reach Caracorum, in China. There rules Kubilai Khan, grandson of Genghis Khan, a formidable, ruthless leader. He is inhabited by the vision

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Lie to me

Cal Lightman is an expert in deception. For years, he has studied facial expressions and body moves. He can can always tell whether someone is lying or not. This talent is worth a fortune for the FBI, the Justice Department, or wealthy clients. With his partner Gillian Foster, Lightman runs a company specializing in the

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Dulcie Collins lives an ordinary life in a small town of Tasmania. She used to be a detective in Sydney, but switched for a quieter life at the request of her wife. Now, as local police officer, she seldom deals with more than fighting drunk men or speeding tickets. That is, until a nake dead

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Anne Boleyn has just been executed for adultery. Henry VIII appointed Cromwell to run the country. One of his main missions was to close down wealthy Catholic monasteries. For this, Cromwell needed legal grounds, so he began by sending a commissioneer to inspect a first abbey, on the Sussex Coast, facing France. However, the man

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