Torino (Italy), 1883. Lidia Poët is the first woman to become a lawyer, a counselor. But such a scandal cannot be tolerated, and the city court disbars her without any legal ground, just for being a woman. Upset but determined to fight, Lidia joins her brother’s law firm and prepares an appeal. The brother, Enrico, is a quiet man, husband and father. At first, he disapproves of his sister’s objectives and also of her (very free) lifestyle. Lidia is impulsive, careless, and she often leaves damages in her wake. Unable to stand put, she investigates murders, taking a lot of risks. But Enrico is patient, he loves his sister even if they fight a lot. Maybe, just maybe, could he take in consideration that she is entitled to work as a councel and help her.
Iron will in a velvet dress
First of all, this is an Italian series : romantic, full of funny fights between lovers or within the family, with colorful costumes and luxurious sets. The series is based on a true story, though. The main plot really corresponds to the life of the real Lidia Poët. It begins to diverge when Enrico’s career changes dimension in season 2. But the heroine here is much sexier and more fearless than her inspiration probably was. She can’t help loving two men at once. She goes her own way without worrying about the consequences. One can’t help but wonder where she finds the time and resources to afford all those pretty outfits she changes everyday! Lidia’s character is irresistible, but she’s well enhanced by all the other characters, especially the men, who surround her. And if the investigations are sometimes a little simplistic, the series is still a lot of fun to watch.
2 seasons, 12 episodes (45 mn), 2023 – ongoing, on Netflix
WITH : Matilda De Angelis (seen in Citadel Diana) as Lidia Poët, Eduardo Scarpetta as Jacopo Barberis, Pier Luigi Pasino as Enrico Poët, Sinéad Thornhill as Marianna Poët, Sara Lazzaro as Teresa Barberis, Dario Aita as Andrea Caracciolo, Gianmarco Saurino as Procuratore Pierluigi Fourneau, Alessia Spinelli as Albertina, Sebastiano Fumagalli as Lorenzo,